In Memory

Jerry Jonnson

Jerry Jonnson

From:  Lawrence W. Hanson

Jared Mondry and Dave Baumgardner reported that Jerry died in London of liver cancer, which had been ongoing for a year. Jared heard this from Kathy Offutt, who had heard this from Renee Rubin. Dave, who I think was a cousin of Jerry’s, confirmed his death. I have seen no printed information about it.

From:  Daryll Jonnson (Jerry's wife)

Hello Dean, I am sure by now you have heard that Jerry Jonnson passed away on 5th November but in case not am letting you know.

Daryll Jonnson

 I have contacted Daryll Jonnson, Jerry's wife, and asked her to send us an obituary of Jerry's death.  That obit, if there is one,  will be included in the "In Memory" section of the website.

Dean Schroeder